2024 Installation of Officers.

Public Installation of Officers for Henry S Baird #174 in Sturgeon Bay was held on December 14.

From left to right:  
District 4 Deputy Christopher ‘Skipper’ Young: Installing Marshal
Orville Antonio: Senior Deacon
District 4 Lecturer Moses Adams: Installing Master
Louis Kern: Senior Warden
Mark Fischer: Counselor
Benjamin Miller: Worshipful Master
William Schaefer: Tiler
Andrew Buechner: Junior Warden
Thomas Pinney, Jr.: Secretary/Treasurer
Past Grand Chaplain David Leistra: Installing Chaplain
Todd Roalkvan: Chaplain
District 4 Representative: Mitch Custer

Not pictured:
Torrence Lautenbach: Junior Deacon
Steven Schaefer: Senior Steward
Geoffrey Pinney: Junior Steward
Robert Barnard: Trustee

Photo by Rachel Lucas

Door County Pulse

More than 30 Door and Kewaunee County Masons and Eastern Star members gathered on Nov. 12 at the Henry S. Baird Lodge in Sturgeon Bay to assemble and deliver upwards of 300 Thanksgiving meals with all the trimmings. This volunteer team has honed its assembly processes during the past 20 years to get these hot dinners on their way to recipients from Southern Door to Washington Island in less than two and a half hours. The Masons and Eastern Star members donate the food costs, gas, and other expenses as a gift to the Lakeshore CAP and ADRC recipients in the county.

Masonic Compact

Because I am a Freemason

I believe that freedom of religion is an inalienable human right and tolerance an indispensable trait of human character. Therefore, I will stand in my lodge with Brothers of all faiths, and respect their belief, as they respect mine, and I will demonstrate the spirit of Brotherhood in all aspects of my life.

I know that education and the rational use of the mind are the keys to facing the problems of humanity. Therefore, I will bring my questions and ideas to my lodge, and strive to advance the growth of my mind alongside my Brothers.

I know that the rich tradition of Freemasonry and its framework of ritual are important platforms for growth and learning. Therefore, I vow to stand upon these platforms to improve myself as a human being, and I vow to help in the mission of the Craft to provide tools, atmosphere, challenges and motivation to help each Brother do the same.

I know that charity is the distinguishing human virtue, and that personal community service is the best demonstration of ones commitment to humanity. I acknowledge that words without deeds are meaningless, and I vow to work with my Lodge to provide service to the community, and to promote charity, friendship, morality, harmony, integrity, fidelity and love.

I know that my obligation to community extends beyond my local sphere and is partially fulfilled in my patriotism- love of my country, obedience to its laws and celebration of the freedoms and opportunities it symbolizes.

I know that leadership is best demonstrated by commitment to serving others. I will therefore participate in, and help work at improving individual leadership skills, while serving the Brothers of my lodge to the best of my ability.

I know that friendship, fidelity and family are the foundations of a well-lived life. I therefore vow to be a faithful friend to my Brothers, while expecting my lodge to respect my personal obligations, and to treat family as though my family were their own.

I know that the last great lesson of Freemasonry the value of personal integrity and the sanctity of one’s word is a lesson for all people in all times. I therefore vow to be a man of my word.

I know that Freemasonry power is best exercised when its Light is shared with the world at large. I therefore vow to bring the best of myself to my lodge, in order that my growth might be fostered and nurtured, and to present myself to the world as a working Freemason, on the path to building a more perfect temple.

Because I am a Freemason, these values and aspirations are the guideposts for my progress through life.